Saturday, 11 September 2010

SUCH EXCITEMENT!! New Website is working ☺☺☺

Oh I am so happy!!!
Its taken another 3 hours today, but finally, you can see the new website.
Its the first time I have been able to update it myself for over 2 years since I changed computer and lost all my files. I am incredibly grateful to Keith of MawsPaws who has been looking after it for me in the meantime, but now, Big Girl! I can do it myself again!!
Please have a look - its very simple for now and I am too scared to mess about with it again today, but its a start! You can see all the new bears too.
Have fun

Friday, 10 September 2010

Website updating frustration

Hello again
I am completely frustrated with my website - I just CAN'T upload the new bears to it so it is destined to remain out of date unless a knight in shining armour comes to my rescue!

In the meantime, I have been busy.

We had the most fantastic holiday ever, in SW France, close to Dordogne, Toulouse, Pyrenees sort of area and you just HAVE to go! and its even more amazing than it looks on the website.
More about that in another post though - for now, I have some new bears to introduce.

It is Hugglets Teddy Bear Festival on Sunday 12th September at Kensington Town Hall, London and it would be lovely to see you there if you are planning to go. Do come and say hello - top of the stairs right by the refreshments.