Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Its nearly the end of July! Where did this month go???

Oh dear, I hadn't realised that it was a month since I last blogged - sorry. Where has the time gone? Oh yes, thats right, I had shingles again so that was 2 weeks wiped off, but since then I have been very busy. There are a few new Warren Bears sitting on the shelves taking the place of the ones who went to Japan last month. And a new little Warren Bunny has happened too, just for fun! Here he is, wanting to show off
as only bunnies do (Bears are much more modest and happy to wait until I get around
to taking their pictures) and also a certain friend of mine in Welsh Wales was impatient to meet him too. As yet he hasn't got a name, so any suggestions will be welcome.
I have been loving doing reflexology treatments and some Tibetan Acupressure head massage too so life has been fun, busy and I seem to be constantly tired.
It's been lovely to get out for a few walks with the dogs again too, despite the rubbish weather. What happened to the "Barbecue Summer" they predicted. It had better heat up a bit before I hit the beaches of Cornwall. It won't be quite the same in a raincoat!
Anyway, the pond is getting more naturalised now, pics coming soon, it has a smart path to it too so I won't have the horror of worm casts all winter (I really hate them!) and Meg is no less fascinated than she was 2 months ago when it was dug.
"She will soon get used to it and ignore it" from he who thinks he knows it all, is as accurate as the amazing summer weather forecast!!
So there we go, July in a few sentences. Beary pics and pondy pics will follow in a day or two I promise.